
The SignON project started in January 2021 and will run to December 2023. It has been structured around nine work packages. Take a look at the various deliverables (to be) published.
No.Deliverable DescriptionMonth
D1.1Case studies and evidence analysis3
D1.10Final Technical requirements and user research (UX design) report.30
D1.11Final Interim Community Building Report33
D1.12User generated data36
D1.2Report on the use-cases and usage domains and stakeholders’ acceptance.33
D1.3First user Requirements Report.6
D1.4First technical requirements and user research (UX design) report.6
D1.5First Interim Community building Report.18
D1.6Quality Assessment Report30
D1.7Second User Requirement Report18
D1.8Final User requirements report30
D1.9Second Technical requirements and user research (UX design) report.18
D2.1SignON Development Repository3
D2.2SignON Services Framework Architecture8
D2.3First release of the SignON Open Cloud platform, including the Open Cloud Platform design13
D2.4Intermediate release of the SignON Open Cloud Platform26
D2.5Final release of the SignON Open Cloud Platform36
D2.6First release of the SignON Communication Mobile Application18
D2.7Final release of the Communication Mobile Application30
D2.8First Machine learning interface18
D2.9Final Machine Learning interface30
D3.1Internal repository with language data resources (sign and oral)24
D3.2Sign language recognition component and models30
D3.3Linguistic description for ISL, BSL, VGT, NGT and LSE36
D3.4Automatic speech recognition component and models30
D3.5First Natural Language Processing Pipelines16
D3.6Second Natural Language processing pipeline36
D4.1First symbolic intermediate representation - InterL-S18
D4.10Final Routines for transformation of SL representations from and to the InterL32
D4.11First adaptable pipeline for training and updating the InterL.6
D4.12Second adaptable pipeline for training and updating the InterL.24
D4.2Second symbolic intermediate representation - InterL-S32
D4.3First distributional intermediate representation based on embeddings - InterL-E4
D4.4Second distributional intermediate representation based on embeddings - InterL-E30
D4.5A hybrid intermediate representation36
D4.6First Routines for transformation of text from and to InterL4
D4.7Second Routines for transformation of text from and to InterL18
D4.8Final Routines for transformation of text from and to InterL32
D4.9First Routines for transformation of SL representations from and to the InterL22
D5.1First version of virtual character18
D5.2Final version of virtual character36
D5.3Interactive co-creation web-based platform for learning from user input12
D5.4First Sign language-specific lexicon and structure8
D5.5Second Sign language-specific lexicon and structure24
D5.6Final Sign language-specific lexicon and structure36
D5.7A planner for translating from Sign_A to BML-based script12
D5.8A realiser of BML-based script to 3D animated character18
D5.9InterL to Text to speech pipeline18
D6.1SignON Communication and Dissemination Plan3
D6.2First Annual reports on communication and dissemination activities12
D6.3Second Annual reports on communication and dissemination activities24
D6.4Final Annual reports on communication and dissemination activities36
D6.5Workshops, showcases, demonstrations report30
D6.6SignON Market Analysis12
D6.7First SignON Sustainable Exploitation, Innovation and IPR Plans12
D6.8Final SignON Sustainable Exploitation, Innovation and IPR Plans36
D7.1Interim progress report9
D7.10Data Management Report36
D7.2Quality Assurance plan3
D7.3Risk Management Plan3
D7.4Final Report36
D7.5First Impact Review12
D7.6Second Impact Review24
D7.7Final Impact Review36
D7.8Data Management Plan6
D7.9Data Transfer Agreement6
D8.1POPD - Requirement No. 26
D9.1Ethical Guidelines and Protocols6
D9.2First Annual Ethical Report on Practices Towards the Stakeholder Communities12
D9.3Second Annual Ethical Report on Practices Towards the Stakeholder Communities24
D9.4Final Annual Ethical Report on Practices Towards the Stakeholder Communities36
D9.5First Annual Ethical Report on Internal Affairs12
D9.6Second Annual Ethical Report on Internal Affairs24
D9.7Final Annual Ethical Report on Internal Affairs36
D9.8Report on Ethical approval30

About SignON

SignON is a user-centric and community-driven project that aims to facilitate the exchange of information among Deaf, hard of hearing and hearing individuals across Europe, targeting the Irish, British, Dutch, Flemish and Spanish sign as well as the English, Irish, Dutch and Spanish spoken languages.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 101017255.
Designed and Developed by WP Ability