Scientific Publications

SignON partners share their activities and findings in scientific publications for an expert audience. Please see these publications below.
Leveraging Frozen Pretrained Written Language Models for Neural Sign Language Translation
Authors: Matthieu De Coster and Joni Dambre

Publication: Information 2022, 13, 220. 2022
Sign Language Fingerspelling Recognition using Synthetic Data
Authors: Frank Fowley and Anthony Ventresque

Publication: 29th Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science (AICS). 2021
Author(s): Mathieu De Coster, Mieke Van Herreweghe and Joni Dambre

Publication: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops, 2021, pp. 3441-3450
The SignON project: a Sign Language Translation Framework
Author(s): Dimitar Shterionov, Vincent Vandeghinste, Horacio Saggion, Josep Blat, Mathieu De Coster, Joni Dambre, Henk van den Heuvel, Irene Murtagh, Lorraine Leeson, and Ineke Schuurman

Publication: abstract submitted for poster presentation at the 31st Meeting of Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands #CLIN31
SignON: Bridging the gap between Sign and Spoken Languages
Authors: H. Saggion, D. Shterionov, G. Labaka, T. Van de Cruys, V. Vandeghinste and J. Blat

Publication: XXXVII Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing conference (SEPLN2021)
Early-stage development of the SignON app and open framework - challenges and opportunities
Authors: Dimitar Shterionov, John O’Flaherty, Marcello Paolo Scipioni, MatteoVilla, Edward Keane and, Marco Giovanelli

Publication: In proceedings of the 18th Machine Translation Summit (MTSummit2021)
Defining meaningful units. Challenges in sign segmentation and segment-meaning mapping
Author(s): Mirella De Sisto, Dimitar Shterionov, Irene Murtagh, Myriam Vermeerbergen and Lorraine Leeson.

Publication: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Automatic Translation for Signed and Spoken Languages (AT4SSL). 2021.
Frozen Pretrained Transformers for Neural Sign Language Translation
Authors: Mathieu De Coster, Karel D’Oosterlinck, Marija Pizurica, Paloma Rabaey, Severine Verlinden, Mieke Van Herreweghe and Joni Dambre

Publication: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Automatic Translation for Signed and Spoken Languages (AT4SSL). 2021.
Syntax-aware Transformers for Neural Machine Translation: The Case of Text to Sign Gloss Translation.
Authors: Santiago Egea Gómez, Euan McGill and Horacio Saggion.

Sign Language Translation: Ongoing Development, Challenges and Innovations in the SignON Projec
Authors: Dimitar Shterionov, Mirella De Sisto, Vincent Vandeghinste, Aoife Brady, Mathieu De Coster, Lorraine Leeson, Josep Blat, Frankie Picron, Marcello Paolo Scipioni, Aditya Parikh, Louis ten Bosch, John O’Flaherty, Joni Dambre, Jorn Rijckaert

Publication: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation. Gent, Belgium.
Progress, Challenges and Innovations of the SignON Project
Authors: Vincent Vandeghinste, Mirella De Sisto, Dimitar Shterionov, Aoife Brady, Mathieu De Coster, Lorraine Leeson, Josep Blat, Frankie Picron, Marcello Scipioni, Aditya Parikh, Louis ten Bosch, John O'Flaherty, Joni Dambre and Jorn Rijckaert

Publication: Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands Conference (CLIN32).
Design principles of an Automatic Speech Recognition functionality in a user-centric signed and spoken language translation system
Authors: Aditya Parikh, Louis ten Bosch, Henk van den Heuvel, Cristian Tejedor-García

Publication: Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands Conference (CLIN32).

Challenges with Sign Language Datasets for Sign Language Recognition and Translation
Authors: Mirella De Sisto, Vincent Vandeghinste, Santiago Egea Gómez, Mathieu De Coster, Dimitar Shterionov and Horacio Saggion

Publication: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC). Marseille, France.
Improving Signer Independent Sign Language Recognition for Low Resource Languages
Authors: Ruth Holmes, Ellen Rushe, Frank Fowley, Anthony Ventresque

Publication: Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Sign Language Translation and Avatar Technology: The Junction of the Visual and the Textual: Challenges and Perspectives (SLTAT 2022), pp. 45-52. Marseille, France.
Language Planning in Action: Depiction as a Driver of New Terminology in Irish Sign Language
Authors: Rachel Moiselle and Lorraine Leeson

Publication: Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages (sign-lang@LREC 2022), pages 139–143 Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2022), Marseille, 20-25 June 2022.
BeCoS corpus: Belgian Covid-19 Sign language corpus. A corpus for training Sign Language Recognition and Translation.
Authors: Vincent Vandeghinste, Bob Van Dyck, Mathieu De Coster, Maud Goddefroy and Joni Dambre

Publication: Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands Journal. Vol. 12 (2022).

Voorgetrainde Grote Taalmodellen en Automatische Vertaling.
Authors: Vincent Vandeghinste and Tim Van de Cruys

Publication: Dixit. Tijdschrift voor Taaltechnologie. (2022).
Findings of the First WMT Shared Task on Sign Language Translation (WMT-SLT22).
Authors: Mathias Müller, Sarah Ebling, Michèle Berger, Richard Bowden, Annelies Braffort, Necati Cihan Camgöz, Cristina España-Bonet Roman Grundkiewicz, Eleftherios Avramidis, Alessia Battisti, Zifan Jiang, Oscar Koller, Amit Moryossef, Regula Perrollaz, Sabine Reinhard, Annette Rios, Dimitar Shterionov, Sandra Sidler-Miserez, Katja Tissi, Davy Van Landuyt

Publication: In Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Machine Translation (WMT), pages 744–772, Abu Dhabi, December 7–8, 2022.

Linguistically Enhanced Text to Sign Gloss Machine Translation.
Authors: Egea Gómez, S., Chiruzzo, L., McGill, E., Saggion, H. (2022).
Publication: Rosso, P., Basile, V., Martínez, R., Métais, E., Meziane, F. (eds)

Natural Language Processing and Information Systems.NLDB 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13286. Springer, Cham.

Attention analysis of a sign language recognition task on the AUTSL dataset.
Authors: Coppin, J., De Coster, M., & Dambre, J.

Publication: Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands (CLIN 32), Abstracts. Presented at the 32nd Meeting of Computational Linguistics in The Netherlands (CLIN 32), Tilburg, the Netherlands (2022).

WordNets? SignNets!
Authors: Ineke Schuurman, Vincent Vandeghinste, Caro Brosens, Margot Janssens and Thierry Declerck

Publication: (abstract) Presented at the 32nd Meeting of Computational Linguistics in The Netherlands (CLIN 32), Tilburg, the Netherlands (2022)

Are there just Wordnets or also SignNets?
Authors: Ineke Schuurman, Thierry Declerck, Caro Brosens, Margot Janssens, Vincent Vandeghinste and Bram Vanroy

Publication: Global WordNet Conference 2023, Donostia-San Sebastian. Basque Country (Spain)

Translating Spanish into Spanish Sign Language: Combining Rules and Data-driven Approaches.
Authors: Luis Chiruzzo, Euan McGill, Santiago Egea Gómez, Horacio Saggion.

Publication: LoResMT@COLING 2022: 75-83
A Data Augmentation and Pre-processing Technique for Sign Language Fingerspelling Recognition
Authors: Frank Fowley, Ellen Rushe and Anthony Ventresque

Publication: Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference (IMVIP) (2022).
Sign Language Machine Translation and the Sign Language Lexicon: A Linguistically Informed Approach.
Authors: Irene Murtagh, Víctor Ubieto Nogales, Josep Blat

Publication: In Proceedings of the 15th biennial conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (Volume 1: Research Track) (2022).
Challenges with Sign Language Datasets.
Authors: Vincent Vandeghinste, Mirella De Sisto, Santiago Egea Gómez and Mathieu De Coster

Publication: (in press). In Andy Way et al. (eds) Sign Language Machine Translation. Springer.
Language Resources for European Sign Languages.
Authors: Vincent Vandeghinste, Mirella De Sisto, Maria Kopf, Marc Schulder, Caro Brosens, Lien Soetemans, Rehana Omardeen, Frankie Picron, Davy Van Landuyt, Irene Murtagh, Elefterios Avramidis, Mathieu De Coster

Publication: (in press). In Andy Way et al. (eds) Sign Language Machine Translation. Springer.
Language Resources for European Sign Languages.
Authors: Vincent Vandeghinste, Mirella De Sisto, Maria Kopf, Marc Schulder, Caro Brosens, Lien Soetemans, Rehana Omardeen, Frankie Picron, Davy Van Landuyt, Irene Murtagh, Elefterios Avramidis, Mathieu De Coster

Publication: (in press). In Andy Way et al. (eds) Sign Language Machine Translation. Springer.
Mirella De Sisto, Irene Murtagh and Myriam Vermeerbergen
Authors: Sign Languages and Machine Translation: Challenges and Opportunities.

Publication: (in press). In Andy Way et al. (eds) Sign Language Machine Translation. Springer.
How it Started and How it’s Going: Sign-Language Machine Translation and Engagement with Deaf Communities over the past 25 years.
Authors: Leeson, L., Morissey, S., Stein, D., Sterionov, D., Van den Heuvel, H. & A. Way

Publication: (in press). In Andy Way et al. (eds) Sign Language Machine Translation. Springer.
Comparing Modular and End-To-End Approaches in ASR for Well-Resourced and Low-Resourced Languages.
Authors: Parikh, A, Ten Bosch, L., Van den Heuvel, H. & C. Tejedor Garcia

Publication: In: Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Natural Language and Speech Processing (ICNLSP 2023)
Comparing Modular and End-To-End Approaches in ASR for Well-Resourced and Low-Resourced Languages.
Authors: Parikh, A, Ten Bosch, L., Van den Heuvel, H. & C. Tejedor Garcia

Publication: In: Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Natural Language and Speech Processing (ICNLSP 2023)
FullStop: Punctuation and Segmentation Prediction for Dutch with Transformers.
Authors: Vincent Vandeghinste and Oliver Guhr

Publication: Language Resources and Evaluation. Springer. (2023).

NGT-HoReCo and GoSt-ParC-Sign: Two new Sign Language - Spoken Language parallel corpora.
Authors: Mirella De Sisto, Dimitar Shterionov, Lien Soetemans, Vincent Vandeghinste, Caro Brosens

Publication: In Proceedings of the CLARIN Annual Conference . Leuven, 2023.
SignON: Sign Language Translation. Progress and challenges
Authors: Vincent Vandeghinste, Dimitar Shterionov, Mirella De Sisto, Aoife Brady, Mathieu De Coster, Lorraine Leeson, Josep Blat, Frankie Picron, Marcello Paolo Scipioni, Aditya Parikh, Louis ten Bosch, John O’Flaherty, Joni Dambre, Jorn Rijckaert, Bram Vanroy, Victor Ubieto Nogales, Santiago Egea Gomez, Ineke Schuurman, Gorka Labaka, Adrian Nunez-Marcos, Irene Murtagh, Euan McGill and Horacio Saggion

Publication: Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation. pp. 501–502, Tampere, Finland, June 2023.
GoSt-ParC-Sign: Gold Standard Parallel Corpus of Sign and spoken language.
Authors: Mirella De Sisto, Vincent Vandeghinste, Lien Soetemans, Caro Brosens, Dimitar Shterionov

Publication: Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation. pp. 501–502, Tampere, Finland, June 2023. pp. 503-504
A Linked Data Approach for linking and aligning Sign Language and Spoken Language Data.
Authors: Thierry Declerck, Sam Bigeard, Fahad Khan, Irene Murtagh, Sussi Olsen, Mike Rosner, Ineke Schuurman, Andon Tchechmedjiev, and Andy Way

Publication: In Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Automatic Translation for Signed and Spoken Languages, pages 11–21, Tampere, Finland. European Association for Machine Translation. 2023.
When shared space and time don’t matter. Remote video-mediated (synchronous and asynchronous ) communication in Flemish Sign Language.
Authors: Lien Soetemans and Myriam Vermeerbergen

Publication: In Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Rhodos, Greece. (2023).
Onderzoek naar constituentenvolgorde in Vlaamse Gebarentaal: enkelvoudige mededelende zinnen bij jongeren van 12 tot 18 jaar.
Authors: Lien Soetemans and Margot Janssens

Publication: Onderzoeksrapport KU Leuven, campus Antwerpen & VGTC. (2023).
Use cases in het kader van het SignON-project.
Authors: Lien Soetemans and Myriam Vermeerbergen

Publication: Onderzoeksrapport KU Leuven, campus Antwerpen. (2023).
Sign languages as source language for machine translation: historical overview and challenges.
Authors: Mathieu De Coster and Joni Dambre

Publication: (in press). In Andy Way et al. (eds) Sign Language Machine Translation. Springer.
Towards the extraction of robust sign embeddings for low resource sign language recognition.
Authors: Mathieu De Coster, Ellen Rushe, Ruth Holmes, Anthony Ventresque, and Joni Dambre.

Publication: arXiV pre-print arXiv:2306.17558. 2023.
Querying A Sign Language Dictionary with Videos Using Dense Vector Search.
Authors: Mathieu De Coster and Joni Dambre

Publication: Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Rhodos, Greece. (2023).
Machine translation from signed to spoken languages: State of the art and challenges.
Authors: Mathieu De Coster, Dimitar Shterionov, Mieke Van Herreweghe, and Joni Dambre

Publication: Universal Access in the Information Society, 2013.
From Scarcity to Understanding: Transfer Learning for the Extremely Low Resource Irish Sign Language.
Authors: Ruth Holmes, Ellen Rushe, Mathieu De Coster, Maxim Bonnaerens, Shin'ichi Satoh, Akihiro Sugimoto, and Anthony Ventresque

Publication: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision, pages 2008-2017, Paris, France. (2023).
Trends and challenges for sign language recognition with machine learning.
Authors: Jérôme Fink, Mathieu De Coster, Joni Dambre, Benoît Frénay

Publication: Proceedings of the 2023 European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Bruges, Belgium.
Towards Accommodating Gerunds within the Sign Language Lexicon.
Authors: Zaid Mohammed and Irene Murtagh

Publication: In Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Automatic Translation for Signed and Spoken Languages, pages 44–47, Tampere, Finland. European Association for Machine Translation. (2023).

About SignON

SignON is a user-centric and community-driven project that aims to facilitate the exchange of information among Deaf, hard of hearing and hearing individuals across Europe, targeting the Irish, British, Dutch, Flemish and Spanish sign as well as the English, Irish, Dutch and Spanish spoken languages.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 101017255.
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